CNAO's Staff
Our physicians

Dr Barbara Vischioni
Head and neck cancers, Chordomas, Sarcomas, Prostate cancer, Radiobiology, Translational Research, Molecular Oncology
Education and training
- 2000
Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan, Milan
- 2001
Visiting physician at the Department of Medical Oncology, "L. Sacco" Hospital, Milan
- 2001 - 2006
Clinical research fellow at Free University (VU), Amsterdam (NL), Department of Medical Oncology, Pharmacology Unit
- 2006
PhD at Free University (VU), Amsterdam (NL), Department of Medical Oncology, Pharmacology Unit, supervised by Prof. G. Giaccone and J. A Rodriguez
- 2006 - 2009
Intern, specialised medical training, at Oncological Radiotherapy Department, European Institute of Oncology (IEO), Milan
- 2009 Clinical research fellow at Gray Institute for Radiation Oncology and Biology, Oxford (UK)
Career Summary
- 2009 - to date
Medical Director at CNAO (National Centre for Oncological Hadrontherapy). Co-manager of the quality assurance of beams to start the clinical trials at CNAO
- 2010 - 2013
Clinical research fellow at NIRS, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba (Japan)