CNAO's Staff
Our physicians

Dr Amelia Barcellini
Oncological gynaecology, Pancreatic and intestinal tract neoplasms, Sarcomas
Education and training
- July 2006
Secondary School Diploma - Classical Studies ("Decio Celeri" School, Lovere)
Mark: 100/100
- January 2013
Degree in Medicine and Surgery - University of Pisa
Mark: 110/110 (highest mark)
- September 2017
Specialisation in Radiotherapy (Post-graduate School of Radiotherapy at the University of Milan-Bicocca)
Mark: 70/70 (highest mark)
Career Summary
- December 2011 - May 2013
Undergraduate elective internship and post-graduate voluntary traineeship at the Oncological Gynaecology Department of the University Hospital of Pisa
Fields of interest: Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological tumours
- January 2012 - May 2013
Elective internship and post-graduate voluntary professional traineeship at PAP-test and Colposcopy Clinic of the Oncological Gynaecology Department of the;University Hospital of Pisa
Fields of interest: Prevention and diagnosis of cervical-vaginal oncological pathologies
- August 2013 - August 2017
Specialised medical training in Radiotherapy (University of Milan Bicocca), in particular:
- August 2013 - June 2014
Department of Radiotherapy, San Gerardo Hospital, Monza
Fields of interest: Radiotherapy of CNS tumours, radiotherapy for haematological malignancies, paediatric ones in particular, TBI.
- July 2014 - June 2016
Department of Radiotherapy, Istituti Ospitalieri di Cremona, ASST of Cremona
Fields of interest: Radiotherapy and brachytherapy of tumours of the gynaecological sphere, and breast and gastrointestinal neoplasms; Radiosurgery and Stereotaxis.
- June 2016 - August 2016
Observership at CNAO Foundation, Pavia
Fields of interest: Proton and carbon ion hadrontherapy to treat radio-resistant tumours
- September 2016 - August 2017
Radiotherapy 2 Department, Foundation of the IRCCS National Cancer Institute of Milan
Fields of interest: radiotherapy and brachytherapy of gynaecological malignancies, brain stereotaxis, concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy
- August 2013 - June 2014
- August 2017 - October 2017
Volunteer visiting physician at Radiotherapy 2 Department, Foundation of the IRCCS National Cancer Institute of Milan
Fields of interest: radiotherapy and brachytherapy of gynaecological malignancies, concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy; stereotaxis
- October 2017 - March 2018
Professional collaboration at Radiotherapy 2 Department, Foundation of the IRCCS National Cancer Institute of Milan
Fields of interest: radiotherapy and brachytherapy of gynaecological malignancies, concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy; stereotaxis
- April 2018 - to date
Radiotherapist at Clinical Department of the CNAO Foundation (National Center of Oncological Hadrontherapy) of Pavia
Fields of interest: hadrontherapy for pelvic, gynaecological, lower intestinal tract and pancreatic tumours, sarcomas