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Tesi di laurea

Tesi di laurea

03 dic/24

Crystal-assisted beam extraction for Hadrontherapy synchrotrons


Bent crystals are currently used for beam manipulation in synchrotrons for high-energy physics - e.g. for slow beam extraction at the U-70 accelerator at IHEP (Protvino, Russia) or for beam shadowing at the SPS accelerator at CERN (Switzerland) or for beam collimation at the LHC at CERN. In fact, if properly aligned, bent crystals are capable of bending beams by angles currently unreachable by any magnet techology presently available.
Bent crystals can represent a valuable way to extract treatment beams from hadrontherapy synchrotrons, alternative to schemes used by machines currently in operation, since they allow to relax strong contraints on machine optics. In order to propose a crystal-assisted extraction scheme, the performance of bent crystals should be assessed: to date, no data is available in literature. The CREMA collaboration has been set up by INFN in order to overcome the lack of information.

The aim of the activity is to characterise the measurement set up presently available at CNAO for assessing the performance of bent crystals at beam energies of interest for hadrontherapy. The activity will mainly consist of Monte Carlo simulations, to be carried out with the FLUKA code. The activity will be complemented by proposing a possible crystal-assisted extraction scheme for hadrontherapy synchrotrons like that of CNAO.
The activity will be carried out in the framework of the CREMA collaboration.


Expected duration of activity (including thesis write-up): 12 months
Preferred technical skills: knowledge of programming (one among python, MatLab, C/C++, Fortran, etc...)
Most suited curriculum studiorum of the candidate: physics, nuclear engineering
Required soft skills: attitude to problem solving, will to take initiative, eagerness to learn, openness to discussions


HeCheck: Range verification with mixed beams


Hadrontherapy exploits the Bragg peak to improve the precision of the dose administration to the patient.
The improved precision of the dose delivery requires that the target (patient) is also "precisely the same" day after day along the therapy course. Since therapy lasts typically a few weeks, means to detect patient variations can be a great help in revealing when a replanning is needed.
He and C ions have a very similar mass over charge ratio and could be accelerated simultaneously in the accelerator. While C is used for the treatment, a small amount of additional He ions (the range of which is 3 times larger than that of C ions) can be used to monitor the repeatability of the patient.
At CNAO a detector is being developed, based on a cubic scintillator and a camera for acquiring the emitted light, to monitor the residual range of the He ions exiting the patient. The proposed thesis work is to develop the software for image analysis and comparison to reveal target variations. Simple targets will be irradiated and known variations will be created to test the algorithms to quantify the integrated stopping power.

Expected duration of activity (including thesis write-up): 12 months
Preferred technical skills: basic geometric optics, knowledge of programming, image processing
Most suited curriculum studiorum of the candidate: physics, nuclear engineering
Required soft skills: attitude to problem solving, will to take initiative, eagerness to learn, openness to discussions


Characterisation of low-intensity beams in the CNAO Experimental Room


The National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO, Pavia) is equipped with an experimental room (XPR) where research activities involving the use of CNAO beams can be carried out without hindering the clinical activity. Irradiations in the XPR can take place not only with the same hadrontherapy beams as those clinically available, but also with beams of much lower intensity. Similarly to the treatment beam lines, the XPR beam line terminates with the monitors of the dose delivery system (DDS), responsible for giving feedback on beam position and intensity. In the case of low intensity beams, the DDS monitors presently installed are blind, because the recorded signals are too low; hence, beam setting up for research activities with low intensity beams is always carried out based on the feedback given by the installed experimental setup.
CNAO has recently developed a low-intensity beam monitor, in order to no longer be blind with the delivery of low-intensity beams. The aim of the activity is hence to use the new monitor for characterising the low-intensity beams in the XPR, optimising and standardising hardware knobs.


Expected duration of activity (including thesis write-up): 12 months
Preferred technical skills: knowledge of programming (one among python, MatLab, C/C++, Fortran, etc...)
Most suited curriculum studiorum of the candidate: physics, nuclear engineering
Required soft skills: attitude to problem solving, will to take initiative, eagerness to learn, openness to discussions


Scattering footprint on beam optics measurements in air


Measurements are regularly carried out at CNAO to verify the quality of the accelerated beams. Even though beam profiles acquired at the isocentre (i.e. the reference point where patients are positioned for treatment) allow to verify the suitability of accelerated beams to treatments, they cannot be used to reconstruct the beam phase space and the machine optics correctly. In fact, beam profiles are acquired downstream of the vacuum window and of the monitors of the dose delivery system; therefore, measurements are affected by Multiple Coulomb Scattering (MCS), making their use for beam optics or phase space reconstruction not straightforward.

The aim of the activity is to develop a method to subtract the contribution of MCS from measured beam profiles and hence obtain in-vacuum equivalent profiles, hence allowing to use them for reconstructing the beam phase space and the machine optics. The MCS contribution will be characterised by means of the Monte Carlo simulations using the FLUKA code, and its removal by means of numerical methods. Among the considered numerical methods, deep learning is a promising one; for applying it, a collaboration with the University of Torino is being set up.


Expected duration of activity (including thesis write-up): 12 months
Preferred technical skills: knowledge of programming (one among python, MatLab, C/C++, Fortran, etc...)
Most suited curriculum studiorum of the candidate: physics, nuclear engineering
Required soft skills: attitude to problem solving, will to take initiative, eagerness to learn, openness to discussions


Scattering footprint on beam phase space introduced by the PEPITEs monitor in CNAO accelerator beam lines


The PEPITEs monitor is a beam profile monitor developed by IN2P3 to measure in-vacuum beam profiles. It is characterised by a very low material budget, minimising the beam Multiple Coulomb Scattering (MCS) and allowing the deployment of the monitor in beam lines for hadrontherapy, like those of CNAO.

The aim of the activity is to characterise the beam MCS due to the PEPITEs monitor and the distortion thus introduced on the beam phase space at various positions along the CNAO accelerator beam lines. The activity will be carried out by means of the Monte Carlo simulations using the FLUKA code.


Expected duration of activity (including thesis write-up): 12 months
Preferred technical skills: knowledge of programming (one among python, MatLab, C/C++, Fortran, etc...)
Most suited curriculum studiorum of the candidate: physics, nuclear engineering
Required soft skills: attitude to problem solving, will to take initiative, eagerness to learn, openness to discussions


Magnetic design of a novel scanning magnet for hadron therapy


The European Superconducting Ion Gantry (EuroSIG) project, a collaborative effort between CNAO, CERN, INFN, and MedAustron, is dedicated to the design and construction of a novel gantry for hadron therapy. A key component of this project is the downstream scanning system, which incorporates the innovative Rake magnet concept, recently patented by CNAO.
While a baseline design of a first Rake demonstrator is now under construction at CERN, several features of this new concept could be further explored and optimized.
In this thesis, the student will learn the basics of accelerator magnet design and how to use FEM electromagnetic software (e.g. OPERA) to perform simulations. He/she will use Python codes to optimize the magnet and explore novel and exotic configurations. Finally, it is asked to provide support during the prototyping phase.
We are looking for a fresh, curious, and motivated mind to explore the boundaries and push the limits of the Rake concept!


Expected duration of activity (including thesis write-up): 9-12 months;
Preferred technical skills: basic knowledge of coding (Python and/or Matlab), fundamentals of electromagnetism, particle accelerators, and electrical machines;


Simulation and Benchmarking of Multicellular Tumor Spheroid Growth with Extensions to Model Ionizing Radiation Effects


The modeling of 3D multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS) provides a more accurate representation of real cell-cell interactions compared to traditional 2D models. This project aims to replicate and modernize an existing agent-based Monte Carlo model for MCTS growth (DOI: 10.1016/, DOI: 10.1016/ originally implemented in FORTRAN, using Python and modern programming practices. The renewed model will then be extended to incorporate the effects of ionizing radiation, including photons, protons, and carbon ions. The activity will involve collaboration with CNAO and guidance from a medical physicist with coding expertise.


Expected duration of activity (including thesis write-up): 9-12 months;
Preferred technical skills: basic knowledge of coding (Python);
Most suited curriculum studiorum of the candidate: physics, medical physics, biomedical engineering, nuclear engineering;
Required soft skills: problem-solving skills, initiative, eagerness to learn, openness to collaboration and discussions.

Development of a Workflow for Patient-Specific Quality Assurance Using Machine Log Files and Dose Recalculation Tools


Patient-specific quality assurance (QA) is a critical step in ensuring the safety and accuracy of radiotherapy treatments. This project aims to develop a workflow that integrates a graphical user interface (GUI) and analysis tools to process machine log files for clinical proton plans. These log files will be imported into a commercial dose recalculation system to verify treatment accuracy. The workflow will include steps for extracting and interpreting relevant data, converting it to compatible formats (e.g., DICOM), and performing dose comparisons to validate treatment plans. The activity will involve designing a modular and user-friendly system to streamline QA procedures, leveraging Python and/or Matlab for implementation.


Expected duration of activity (including thesis write-up): 12 months;
Preferred technical skills: knowledge of Python and/or Matlab, familiarity with the DICOM standard;
Most suited curriculum studiorum of the candidate: physics, medical physics, biomedical engineering, computer engineering;
Required soft skills: problem-solving skills, strong analytical mindset, eagerness to learn, ability to work in multidisciplinary teams;



    Azienda con sistema di gestione per la Qualità Certificata
    Centro registrato in QuESTIO, la mappatura dei soggetti attivi nel campo della ricerca e dell'innovazione
    Organization Accredited by Joint commision internatoional